
The Loud House Back To School Special


Release Date: July 26, 2022
Creator: The Loud House Creative Team

Time to hit the books with The Loud House! Join Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lisa, Lola, Lana, and Lily as they explain the secrets of the universe, or the secrets to surviving school anyways! From Lincoln’s challenge to go from being the man with the plan in elementary school to the new kid without a hall pass in middle school to Lori’s freshman orientation as well as maneuvering her extended long distance relationship with her boo boo bear, Bobby Santiago. Plus, visit Great Lakes City as Ronnie Anne goes to prep school. Sure to be more entertaining than a last period lecture on a Friday before vacation, The Loud House and The Casagrandes have your ticket to more laughs and adventures. Featuring stories by the Loud House and the Casagrandes creative teams.

Additional Information

Release Date: July 26, 2022

Format: Hardcover / Paperback

ISBN: 9781545808900 / 9781545808917

Price: $12.99 / $7.99

Trim Size: 6,5 x 9

Page Count: 64 pages

Age Range: 7 to 12

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