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Papercutz Heads to San Diego Comic Con 2024!

Papercutz is proud to announce we’ll be joining in on the biggest event of the year at San Diego Comic Con with a weekend full of celebrating great graphic novels and all our favorite creators, as well as joining in on Mad Cave’s big 10th Anniversary celebrations! Swing by Booth #2806 all weekend long to say hi! Find out more about our schedule below:

Thursday July 25th 10am to 11:30am at Booth #2806

Papercutz SDCC 2024

Join Art Baltazar, Franco, and special guest and Flash Gordon actor Sam J. Jones as they celebrate all things FLASH GORDON and sign copies of our FLASH GORDON ADVENTURES ashcan ahead of its release this fall!

Art Baltazar, Franco
ISBN: 9781545812945

Friday July 26th 10am to 11am at the San Diego Public Library

Thanks to our friends at the Children’s Book Council, join DIGITAL LIZARDS OF DOOM creator Gabriel Valentin on the CREATING CAPTIVATING CHARACTERS panel with other amazing creators to discuss how they create your favorite heroes, followed by a signing of DIGITAL LIZARDS OF DOOM VOLUMES 1 & 2 afterwards!

Digital Lizards of Doom Vol. 1
(W) Gabriel Valentin (A) Gabriel Valentin
ISBN: 9781545811320

Digital Lizards of Doom Vol. 2
(W) Gabriel Valentin (A) Gabriel Valentin
ISBN: 9781545800782

Friday July 26th 11am to 12pm at the San Diego Public Library

Thanks to our friends at the Children’s Book Council, join YAHGZ creator & FLASH GORDON ADVENTURES artist ART BALTAZAR on the ACTION PACKED & ADVENTUROUS panel with other amazing creators to discuss the exciting graphic novel adventures they love to create, followed by a signing of YAHGZ VOLUMES 1 & 2, as well as ashcans of FLASH GORDON ADVENTURES afterwards!

Yahgz: The Craynobi Tales Vol. 1
Creators: Art Baltzar
ISBN: 9781545810583

Yahgz: The Gwash War Vol.2
Creators: Art Baltzar
ISBN: 9781545801062

Sunday July 28th 10am to 11am at Booth #2806

To finish off the weekend, join our friends Jamie Noguchi (School For Extraterrestrial Girls Artist), Josh Trujillo (Miraculous Chibi Writer), Chas! Pangburn (Double Booking Writer), Gabriel Valentin (Digital Lizards of Doom Creator), Dan Brozo (Digital Lizards of Doom & Lava or Licorice Director) & Dizzy Doom himself for a packed signing at the Papercutz Booth!

We can’t wait to see you there!


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