Home / Graphic Novels / Attack of the Stuff

In what is described as “an 8 year old’s fever dream,” New York Times bestselling author introduces us to Bill Waddler. Bill is a duck who dreams of being smothered by farting snakes. He also has a special gift. He is able to hear appliances complain. Imagine what toilets would complain about. Bill doesn’t need to imagine. While working as a cash-only hay seller (that doesn’t accept credit cards) , Bill doesn’t know that he, and a very confused orange juice sales clerk, are about to save the world. If you could hear this book complain, it would be saying “where have you been all my life?”

Jim Benton
Jim Benton is the creator of Attack of the Stuff and It’s Happy Bunny, the licensing hit that has generated over a 3/4 of a billion dollars at retail. The It’s Happy Bunny books from Scholastic have been chosen three times by the American Librarians Association as their top picks for teen readers, and It’s Happy Bunny programs have taken top awards from the Licensing Industry Merchandise Association, five times. Jim’s various series (Dear Dumb Diary, Franny K. Stein) have sold in the millions and have appeared on the New York Times Bestsellers list multiple times. Jim has also been given the Inkpot Award by Comic Con International

School Library Journal
"...inventive, absurdist, fast-paced..." " Benton's dry humor is a winning mix of the surreal and the mundane..." "VERDICT: This bizarre yet sweet tale is recommended for most collections."
Publishers Weekly
"...absurdist interactions are fun..." "...barreling pace...""Benton's expressive signature art offers an amusing antic sensibility and accessible style that readers in this age group will appreciate."
"Attack of the Stuff is one of the best (& oddest) graphic novels this year." "At 116 pages, he manages to craft a story that you've never seen before into a graphic novel that you won't forget."
Kirkus Reviews
"Benton's lively and outrageously imaginative graphic novel feels like a sugar rush manifested into comic panels..." "As fizzy and zippy as a Saturday-morning cartoon."
"It is seriously one of the funniest graphic novels I've ever read. It's one of the funniest books I've ever read." "...the humor and wit in this book is MacArthur Fellowship levels of genius."